Developers announcements 3,661


*New Weapon* - Kusarigama - first post

Eldunari 7 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 85

Charged Attack

J4sh1n 7 years ago updated by High Voltage 7 years ago 124
Under review

The idea of ​​adding water

Egzekutor 8 years ago updated by Seal (Im still alivee) 7 years ago 50

New shield "The Book"

WilderLord 7 years ago updated by gerry yolopolo the hobo 6 years ago 91
Under review

Advanced options for tribe owners

Moms Spaghetti 7 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 63

one upgrade for each weapon

Seal (Im still alivee) 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 42

New Weapon: Mace

Lord Karma 7 years ago updated by WilderLord 7 years ago 17
Under review

Throwing Rocks (Version Two)

J4sh1n 7 years ago updated by you 7 years ago 55

Grass in wilds - new biome

Egzekutor 7 years ago updated by Ukryty(Still alive 04 03 2021) 7 years ago 48

New item: caltrop

::: 7 years ago updated by Moms Spaghetti 6 years ago 35

Ideas and problems 3,990


Score Two goals

shad7 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 2

New game mode: Goblin survival

Geoffrey Cambefort 8 years ago updated by Cake Wolf .. 6 years ago 15

Soccer game ALPHA

Rezoner1337 6 years ago updated by OnderaZ 6 years ago 7

Tribe options

Lawrence Nachos 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 1
Under review

What's next

Rezoner1337 7 years ago updated by Zagłoba 6 years ago 127

Just Another Bug

shad7 6 years ago updated by kanguror 6 years ago 5
Under review

Experimental WEBGL build

Rezoner1337 6 years ago updated by Maldar 6 years ago 39
Under review

Altar of the Creator (worship him!)

Zagłoba 6 years ago updated by kanguror 6 years ago 25

Where will the forum stop?

Phroenix BR 6 years ago updated by Ruby Rose 6 years ago 15


Celebrimbor 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 65

No-Gold Problem

Fat Turdol 6 years ago updated by ThiefMan 6 years ago 2

Make the Goblins Great Again!

Zagłoba 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 30

New mode hunter

kiko gamer1 6 years ago updated by Zagłoba 6 years ago 3
Under review

Mech game - Beta testing

Rezoner1337 7 years ago updated by Zagłoba 6 years ago 21

Co-op/PvE idea.

Jaf IO Tutorials 6 years ago updated by Ruby Rose 6 years ago 3

New mod sandbox mod

kiko gamer1 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 20

New Game Mode: Adrenaline mode

SegAf 6 years ago updated by FrozenVoltz 6 years ago 5

shop bug

Zemus 7 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 3

Monsters In The LocationBar

OnderaZ 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 6

an exploration feel to the game

Celebrimbor 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5


shad7 6 years ago updated by FrozenVoltz 6 years ago 8

The End is Here

Phroenix BR 6 years ago updated by OnderaZ 6 years ago 15

Customizeable emoting

Celebrimbor 7 years ago updated by Zagłoba 6 years ago 20

Sorry for my hiatus.

Ruby Rose 6 years ago updated by OnderaZ 6 years ago 6

im cant login

polak 6 years ago updated by Egzekutor 6 years ago 1

Ruby Rose Is Fake!

BeeP BeeP Ima SheeP 7 years ago updated by Ruby Rose 6 years ago 14


Anthony Agard 16 6 years ago updated by FrozenVoltz 6 years ago 4

Last Post

Not-a-name 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 3

1 idea per week

Rezoner1337 7 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 61

to make horses we can ride in the wilds

Cake Wolfs 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 19

I Guess This Is It (Another one leaving...)

Cyrillus, Mrrppp, Corn Maker . 6 years ago updated by A R C A N I N E 6 years ago 9

Ahoy. I am back from my holiday.

Rezoner1337 7 years ago updated by shad7 6 years ago 46

Reviving The Game!

Super Salt 6 years ago updated by Egzekutor 6 years ago 3

Murder / Death leaderboard system (M/D)

shad7 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 11

Salt Potion

Super Salt 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 10

Saltbox Mode

Super Salt 6 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 3

Rezoner is a funny guy...

Zagłoba 6 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 19

Translate the game for other languages

shad7 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 2

Rez should hand the game over to the community

Benjamin Watson 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 6

Forum revolution

Egzekutor 6 years ago updated by shad7 6 years ago 7

Made by me

Cake Wolf .. 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 12

You could say i'm back...

Celebrimbor 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

My Glitch List

Not-a-name 6 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 6 years ago 5


許志騫 6 years ago updated by OnderaZ 6 years ago 7

Private rooms

Rezoner1337 8 years ago updated by A R C A N I N E 6 years ago 13

My account died...

Cyrillus, Mrrppp, Corn Maker . 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

New Discord Server Released

WilderLord 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Imortal Guild [Bug???]

Phroenix BR 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Popular requests 3,661


*New Weapon* - Kusarigama - first post

Eldunari 7 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 85

Charged Attack

J4sh1n 7 years ago updated by High Voltage 7 years ago 124
Under review

The idea of ​​adding water

Egzekutor 8 years ago updated by Seal (Im still alivee) 7 years ago 50

New shield "The Book"

WilderLord 7 years ago updated by gerry yolopolo the hobo 6 years ago 91
Under review

Advanced options for tribe owners

Moms Spaghetti 7 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 63

one upgrade for each weapon

Seal (Im still alivee) 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 42

New Weapon: Mace

Lord Karma 7 years ago updated by WilderLord 7 years ago 17
Under review

Throwing Rocks (Version Two)

J4sh1n 7 years ago updated by you 7 years ago 55

Grass in wilds - new biome

Egzekutor 7 years ago updated by Ukryty(Still alive 04 03 2021) 7 years ago 48

New item: caltrop

::: 7 years ago updated by Moms Spaghetti 6 years ago 35