
*New Weapon* - Kusarigama - first post

Eldunari 8 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 7 years ago 85

I have an idea for new weapon - Kusarigama which is basically a scythe on a chain.


Damage 2.25

Slightly slower attack speed than axe

Range is slightly longer than spear

Charge attack lunges you forward and knocks enemy back - no spin around you

Special - deals 1 damage and knocks weapon out of enemy's hand OR

1.5 damage and drags them back to you - counters runners

Price can be maybe 2400 or 3000



+3 already? :O


This kusarigama is already good idea in general and this mechanic would be nice to add cuz' it can finish off runners.With all these features price of 2400 or 3000 seems fair enough.+1.


Ya know, this is a high quality idea, and not only because the weapon is fairly balanced, but because you didn’t complain about runners or anything else. Quality post. +1


Thanks for all the +1s!!! :)


Yea.Now these all things you made are all great reasons why not to have this.



I'm looking forward if there is a new weapon coming out


Good idea for new weapon. Also you balanced it good, what is another reason why you have +1 from me.


Feel like japanese warrior!


+1 for great idea and +2 for Eragon refference in your name


seems like i missed this post

good idea, but make it a bit barbarian themed

also nice eragon reference ;)


yeah i also think the kusarigama doesnt really fit in the barbaric theme but whatever


xD never knew so many people knew eragon lol


I frickin' love that movie.


The movie is BS. The books are Soo much better. Unless they've came out with another movie I don't know about.

Read the books


i read the books and watched a bit of the movie


I'm not fan of books,well exept manga,but I watched full movie.


i have the entire book series on my shelf on my right


What are movies? I was reading books all the time you wasted at cinema, and this is the reason why so many people doesn't even know, what is grammar!


Hell yeah! (I don't play, but I watch instead, still a VERY cool game)


Wow, its fking rly good d00d. +1 go up




Even you? Just great!


Ohh boi, BUMP


one thing i forgot to say

can we not call it kusarigama in shop
seems kinda weird
maybe scythe would be a better name


Yea,since this isn't japaneses game and scythe is basically the same.


yea i was thinking about that

maybe chain or scythe or something of that sort


scythe with a rope


this could be an upgrade to a new weapon
Damage: 1.75
Charged Attack: take a big lunge forward with an overhand slice, deals 1.75 damage
Special: Life Steal
Takes 1 hp from opponent when hit
Attack speed: 1 hit every 0.75 seconds


This would be pretyy good in ctf

travel with maybe 2 hammers

grab enemy flag carrier and  then ez   return


Yeah the idea's really balanced and a swinging weapon would add a lot more variety to combat. +1

Also your name is awesome. I remember a while ago there was a player named Murtagh, but I haven't seen him in months.


Ya this is pretty good. I was also wondering for the attack to be single click for short ranged fast attacks and charged attack for a long range attack a little longer than the spear and doing 2.5 dmg.

p.s. BUMP


all charged attacks do same damage as reg hit i think

eg. sword reg hit 1.5

sword charge 1.5

reg attacks do 2.25 longer range than spear but slow attack speed

basically it gets killed easily at melee range but does well mid range


lets change special move to "Disarming , dealing low dmg and knocking players down"

good idea, but isn't that the axe special?


The axe's special is able to disable mines and knock others down.


that bump tho


Oh here we go,famous last words.


Lets make a new rule: Whoever bumps an post older than 2 days without apologizing shall be castrated (or sterilized, whatever)


Hell no what's wrong with you man.


I prefer a regular scythe, not a scythe on a chain. But still, +1


Let me BUMP dis


Oh f*ck,it's too late.


another one BUMP 


You're doing this wrong, this is original "Ukryty's bump": 



oh damn, rly?
Ok, how about now?


You keep forgetting about "Heading 1" size of it.


Ok, how about now? :



Stop it guys before this consumed you.


maybe it can look sorta like this


Seems lit,though I rather prefer normal scythe but this is great too.


I want this to be implemented , It seems fairly balanced , If there's any error / complaints about it unbalanced after implementation , I don't see a reason why not to Nerf/Buff Update this weapon if the community goes wild after this releasing this.

This mechanic would be useful for fights , I'd like to catch some children running  along with no intention of fighting and what not <3 . Making them cry for peace might be fun once in a while . Though I can do that without this weapon , But using the Kusarigama might flavor the kill a bit   |  O///O  | how exciting ... 


I'm a bit of a Sadist so this is kind of a Dream Weapon to have . | >.< |


BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP! (Say it like attack on titans´s song)


That s what Im talking about man. "Sie sind die das victims und wir sind die bumperes......


Sind sie das Essen? nein wir sind die Jager!!!" 

I know german btw 


     |    |


|     |__


Btw,I'm learning German for 5 years.And don't put Nazi symbols,you could get banned.Also one question:You watch Attack on titan?


I don't know if it will fit well in the game's style but good idea


:o the 1 dislike is gone!


but then again, it might come back


Don't you dare to say that.


sound awsome

Bvmp because this forum is empty and needs some more chaos

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania chaos symbol

... Nada a cimentar...


"Nothing to cement"?  Can you stop using portuguese on the forum?

Can you stop getting so low like Scum Seal,pretty please?

I guess we got new scumbag Seal


Is that I have bumped something so important for you? "Oh my god, he bumped an OLD post, he is so evil!"

Really? It's not real life, nerd.


Just shut your face pls.Why you spam and stain the forum?!?!

The forum was empty before my bvmps. Now, the users have at least something to do. Sorry for bvmping, I was just trying to bring there some life. Anyway, the posts I got bvmped weren't bad.

Well not bad but not good too.


You have to be kidding me...


I have no idea for an intelligent answer, sooo...

you will get the stupid one.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania rak


With all these post and bvmps (Original Bvmp Trademark) I, caused reaction that I name shitstorm (Orignal Trademark, too). That was... kind of interesting.