Under review
Mech game - Beta testing
Would you like to help me debugging and balancing my new simple shooter mech game?
If so give it a try here http://mechar.io
There is also dedicated userecho so please let's take the discussion there http://mechario.userecho.com/
It's total BETA, everything may be broken, laggy and the gameplay is not final yet - let's talk about what would you like to change. The goal is to make a game that is much simplier than Wilds.
Only EU servers work for now - they may be dying a few times a day tho :D
ps: FACEBOOK login is already working and you can start collecting kills - I will add leaderboards as soon as there are enough scores to display
Customer support service by UserEcho
Awaiting Google loggin' in
Looks nice!
IM LOVING IT! 😄 but it has the same description haha
I'm excited to test this! But out of curiosity (and greed, haha), will beta testers receive any unique rewards for testing?
Or is our reward the opportunity to test the game? Lol.
Bragging rights if the game becomes big.
Also, would you like us to come up with a list of glitches/bugs, or are you looking more for gameplay suggestions right now?
Does the one idea a week idea apply to the Mechar forums?
As long as they're good ideas and constructive criticism, I'm sure you can post more then once a week. Just don't spam retarded ideas.
I agree. If you not spam, and your posts looks good and it is not stupid, you can add more than one idea per week.
Hey, facebook login isn't working out for me, apparently you have to be a "registered user for testing"
Any fixes?
I am having the same issue.
I've pushed the switch to public mode - try again please.
It's out! it's out! And it's so cooool! also I'm about to post something on the userecho there.Nevermind I'm not gonna be playing it, too hard for me to understand because I'm used to right mouse button being runR.I.P.
Also to the Great Creator.
Remember. You have to.