Your comments

I'll have to see if Egzekutor would be interested in making you some map templates to restyle and remodel the map, incorporating the possible addition of mountain tiles.

Even if it was said jokingly, it is not the place for those types of 'jokes.'

I don't have time talking to those who trash talk, I represent a simple goal - to make better, and they can call me whatever they want. You've never felt that goal - to bring greatness to something in the community. People like you hold games back from positive progression. That is all I will say on the matter.

It's already worse that people are farming with different accounts, adding dumb AI to the equation will worsen it. I agree with you Egzekutor, 100%.

Nice accounts achillesRising, using two accounts to get your ideas out. Not smart, but it works I suppose.

I don't think bones are really needed at all - the simple function of points worked just fine. Bones are usually stolen by those who did little or no work to receive them. Points were a true sign of collective points and skill. Unless bones will be sent to the players score individual score, I really am not in favor of the bone-scoring system.

This is my opinion, 60% of this list is rather overpowered ideas but still good ideas themselves.

Thank you, we want no enemies - we just wish to help the community and game with what little power we have, if any.

No problem, I understand that! Besides the guild, you have fantastic work. Keep it up, guild member or not anyone helping the community is a friend of mine!