Your comments

The machete is a similar version of the sword, although it is a valid idea - just a different point of view.

That's another alternative I suppose, but I was focusing more on the individualized storage aspects - but still a very good idea regardless.

Thanks, I appreciate all of your guys support!

It would be rather a system in which an item would appear once every time a person respawns, but the item would have a minor cool down to prevent people from using the item, killing themselves, and respawning to reuse it.

All constructive comments and likes are appreciated, remember this is only an idea off of the top of my head. More forum posts will soon be uploaded.

I agree with PixL, you stated what you needed to do - a very clean and precise post. Good job!

Fantastic graphics and idea. This will take the void feeling to the next level!

If you're so confident in your beliefs you should have no problem expressing them in a mannered way on the forums, you bypassing how you blackmailed us and continued to lie afterwards will not be going away. Every question deserves and answer.

You snip out the rest of the conversation making me look like I like gay porn.

It is a joke. There is a time and place for everything, which immaturity not being one of them as of now.

All of those screenshots being used as suggestions and or direct statements to myself.

"Although amusing to see you get so mad." That statement makes me believe that you are not willing to take this matter seriously and confront your issues - hiding behind humor and denial that those accounts were not you. Is that really the case Scipio20, I beg to differ.

Coincidence that both the forum name and user name shown in the photo are the same?

'02oipicS' is 'Scipio20' written backwards. It starts with blackmailing, harassment, bribing (rewarding those who join against the Vigilantes), and now lying? This makes me believe that your claims are false and you are not trustworthy in anything you say. Speaking of blackmail, evidence shows that you also used "valuable" information kept on a pastebin document stating that if we act as 'dicks,' our 'secret' information will be leaked to the public.

The thing is that all the information you have recorded and blackmailed us for, never was true. It was a simple hoax to expose your true self - contemplating when and if you would lash out was decided by yourself. This makes all of your information 100% false and useless against us.