Your comments

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that as players join a server the bots will dwindle and eventually stop spawning. On a server of 28, the only bots will be players that closed the tab or went to an arena/browars/football match. So bots aren't really much of an issue

It would make sense if the goblin warrior was slightly slower than normal goblins because he's encumbered by armor and stuff

This would be incredibly easy to implement, just scatter crates(that don't respawn) around the map that drop mystery boxes and random items. The hardest part will be making the map. He already has everything he needs: Crates, mystery boxes, walls, fists, and items. Maybe he'll add trees or traps, but he has those too.

How about we add another thing onto the list: Stop posting irrelevant comments. If it has little or nothing to do with the post, don't put it on the forums. We want constructive feedback, not random side comments spammed on every post.

Dude, you guys just posted 10 completely useless, completely irrelevant comments(not counting egzes and jashins). THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH THE FORUMS. Just get this message through your heads: Stop posting irrelevant comments. Stuff like this really is spam and isn't making the forums better. All of you, including ruby rose and kanguror, just please stop posting useless comments like this

"We are posting shitcomments for our own fun". You know, Jashin's kinda got a point on some of these things. You two do a lot of pointless commening that easily could have been conversations over discord. I'm not saying that's deserving of a ban, but just think about posting less "shitcomments" and posting more constructive comments to help the game.

lol issa already said that what was the point of that bump

Most of us on this forum don't have the same high opinion of you as you do. Probably because of all the trolling, which definitely makes you seem to be around 10 - 13 y/o. Just please calm down with the troll posts. Lightening up the forums is fine, but we want to actually be getting things done. Constantly posting trolling stuff doesn't help that and doesn't make you seem mature.

First of all, how do you know he's a turk? Are you just saying that because you think it's an insult? 

Secondly, he's probably going to be banned next time rez checks in on the forums.

Hammer does 2.5 damage on both a normal hit and a charge attack. Remember, most monsters deal at least 4 damage on a normal hit, so 2.5 isn't much. And the bite is blockable, so I feel like it's fine.