Your comments

What do timezones have to do with anything? And who are you talking to?

I didn't thick you knew that, because if you did you would change the controls to your preference and you wouldn't need to make a post. That was my reasoning, srry if it upset you

See those controls up in that menu? You can change your own controls. Click one of the controls that you want to change in that menu, then push the key you want to change the control to. You can do that with everything you want to change, and completely personalize your controls.

I agree with bilbooo. Most claw users will start sprinting at you when their special refreshes, which basically screams, "I'mma use the special rrrrright now!!!". Most of the time you can block it easily, and the short range and small damage of claws means that they basically can't use all those nice strategies with the charge attack. It is the general opinion of the community that claws are pretty balanced.

Lol just stop bumping it. Insulting urkrty while bumping an old irrelevant post isn't very helpful to the game. And could you please be less toxic? Insulting players like that isn't okay, especially if they're not even here to see your comment and don't get a chance to defend themselves.

He wants to separate run and kick, instead of having to run and kick with the same button

This data hasn't been recorded, so if implemented everyone would start at zero... But I like #3; having a way to check my arena rank without going into the queue or saying "bue" in the chat would be nice. +1 from me

You could have said that instead of telling him to shut up. I doubt that players want to contribute to the game when the first comment on their new post is "Shut up!!" for no apparent reason.

I agree with bilbooo. Mystery boxes are rare, and show players without accounts what they are missing. 

I remember playing without an account in the good ol' days when mystery boxes were much more common and dropped from the chest. It never made me not want to get an account; on the contrary it got me hooked on sword, and so sword was the first weapon I bought when I did log in.

Hey, why the downvotes? This guy's just asking a question. According to the wise and eminent guru Google translate, he's asking, " how do you earn rosettes". I'm not sure what he means by " rosettes", but why are you telling him to shut up?