Your comments

2x the damage of sword is WAY too op. I don't think this weapon is very neccessary, since we already have sword.

I think that option #2 where the player falls and gets fall damage would be best. Ferret might be right - combat in wilds is pretty good right now. We probably don't need extra moves. But this idea would be pretty cool to have. Maybe this jump kick could replace the spear special for a kinda pole-vault-kick thingy to make the special more balanced.

It's been good having you around bilbooo

This would be a great way to reduce lag. Having stuff like disabling the explosion for mines or disabling blood should definitely also be options. I'm not sure about disabling monster animations, but stuff like shadows and particles are good to have options for.

It's not "toying" anyways. Rez used to do this, and egze does it all the time. It makes games more fun, and if rez had a problem with it he would have stopped egz a long time ago.

It would be cool to have deer wandering around the map. It would make wilds feel more "wild", and we could make it so that killing deer dropped items or stamina orbs or something.

They got banned for creating drama and spamming comments that weren't related to the game - which is kinda what you guys are doing on this post. Could we move the conversation away from seal and urkrty and back to

Horses and top down games usually don't mix, I'm sad to say :/

It creates a lot of problems - how do you kill a horse that someone's riding while they're on it? Does jumping and rolling make you dismount? If so, what happens to the horse when you're not on it? 

It would be hard to make good mechanics for a horse in wilds, and it would be even more difficult to make good looking, eight-directional animations for a horse with a rider. While horses would be cool, I can't imagine how they would be implemented.

It should be harder to get in when the server is new; having bots is a good solution. The idea of black team being able to make the fort neutral would be really great. Right bow if you're on black team the fort isn't really a big part of gameplay, so +1

You can dash when frozen, so being able to throw a weapon when frozen wouldn't surprise me.