Your comments
No one would play bow in arena anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, this is too extreme of a nerf. Blocking is essential to the gameplay for all players. This would encourage archers to avoid melee fights and just spend time running. I say we need to fix the kick before we pass judgement on the bow nerf.
He was on yesterday... stop dramatizing.
You people are dramatizing. Rezoner has not "abandoned" us. Just be patient, kids.
A separate ranged and melee arena would be great. You could fill the map with obstacles, walls, and other stuff to make a nice arena, a bit like It could potentially be a really unique and cool gamemode for bow users. It would also solve the bow in arena problem, and be easy to add to the game.
His last activity was 12 hours ago, so he's still checking in on the forums every so often. Give him some slack, he doesn't have to spend all his time on When the new game is done, I'm sure he's going to become more active towards wilds than he is now.
That grass is awesome egze, great work!
Calm down, ruby rose. This forum isn't ruined or post-apocalyptic. And I feel like it isn't spamming if the topic is an important issue, but you're right, we need a solution to the bow problem, and currently most people aren't posting possible solutions(probably because it's a difficult issue). In my opinion, we need to get the kick fixed first so that bow seems less drastically overpowered. Right now the bow seems unbeatable because of the broken kick, and we need to change that so that we don't do anything too extreme to nerf the bow.
Yeah, this arena map definitely needs to be edited or changed. The pit makes it too easy to run away, and it's a paradise for claw-special spammers and runners with bow.
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Mom's Spaghetti, you've been a great influence on this community since the beginning. It was people like you who made me want to get active on these forums and the discord. Thank you for always lightening stuff up - I remember when that random player named rezoner hacked to get 500 arena points(what a bad kid smh no shame).