
Wand Special Ability Bug

Etheric Form 7 years ago updated by Moms Spaghetti 7 years ago 4

I had frozen someone when they threw their weapon at me. How does this happen? Maybe it's because they pressed the button to throw their weapon before they got frozen or something or because you can just throw your weapon while frozen. In any case, it would be nice to fix this. So here are the possible causes:

  1. Throwing animation continues even after hit by wand's special attack.
  2. Throwing mechanic unaffected by Wand special attack.

Zamroziłam kogoś, gdy rzucili we mnie swoją bronią. Jak to się stało? Może dlatego, że nacisnęli przycisk, by rzucić bronią, zanim się zamarzli, czy coś, albo dlatego, że możesz po prostu rzucić bronią, gdy jesteś zamrożony. W każdym razie dobrze byłoby to naprawić. Oto możliwe przyczyny:

Rzucanie animacji trwa nawet po trafieniu specjalnym atakiem różdżki.
Mechanik rzucania nieobjęty specjalnym atakiem Wand.

You were sorta inconsistent in the middle there...

it's not polish ._.

lol, google translate


You can dash when frozen, so being able to throw a weapon when frozen wouldn't surprise me.