Your comments

So basically a defensive spell thingy that you can use whenever you fill up your mana bar, which isn't that often. 

I don't know...I feel like it would kinda be a pay-to win thing, because it would give you an edge against players who can't afford it.

Actually yeah this would make ice staff way better, and it's one of the worse weapons so +1

Having different arrows would be pretty interesting. Maybe balance it up a bit so it's less pay to win...the stunning should maybe be for 0.5 seconds and the poison arrow special should only poison for 1 or 2 seconds?

Man, stop using different accounts to do multiple downvotes to comments you don't like. That's pretty immature of you.

And the prices are fine as they are. The stuff with the really high prices are just for aesthetics, and if you really want them, just save up your gold. You don't need to pay real money.

Oh wow, that's a pretty awesome pixelart. It would be nice to have a square shaped shield, just for variety

In his description he added a large chunk in french - from using google translate it looks like he's saying he's lost the will to stay on the forums, and it was nice knowing us all, and these are the final days of his account, stuff like that. Okay, goodbye I EAT RULES FOR BREAKFAST

Yeah, this bug has happened to me numerous times and it's definitely not based on bones

I'm disagreeing, because as you get more bones it should be more of a challenge to stay alive, not less. How the king stuff works is pretty balanced right now. You should earn a large number of bones and then work to keep it. How easy it is to stay alive should be based on skill, not bones.

It seems like there's already some type of knocckback mechanics already in the game, like when I hit people with sword special and they go flying. Not sure how that works, though

No reason why not to add this +1