Your comments

sorry to bump an old topic but dash is very strategic yes dashing+combos is hard to avoid but you can dash'em right back :D I think dashing adds to this game because you can only move up and down and sideways

nah when I start I fight I finish the fight.

and I want to make it past 20 bones before I get cluster fucked by chasers

hey hey hey i put salt caution in the title

oh is heir of grieif the reaper guy? 

just curious

my bad I overreacted. I was just hungry at that time XD

but still it ticks me off when I get chased to death like 3 times in a row.

there was group of people so fighting them Is basically suicide. I wish those people would stop and go away eventually there gonna have to stop running or run over spikes

i dont agree with the spin i think it should be a lunge dealing very minimun damage push back the enemy and push them down

Axe is NOT weak 

its a utility weapon i used to be beast at axe before i got sword

axe's specail is extremely powerful in fact it moves at a slow place so you can hide behind it.

heres a little something that i used to do .

if someone was chasing me i would place a mine down and then defuse it and then promptly roll or sheild bash the person coming after me or the mine (which is the same direction) will take some damage but however if you time it correctly you will take back the mine AND damage the chasers and then you just run and wait for your cooldown to refresh

this strat is for when you kill those crazy ass europeans and they start devoting there whole career to trying to kill you and chasing down (which really sucks) ESPECIALLY when you them and they spawn right next to you and your drained of stamina

nah it makes the game WAY to complicated -1

just sheild for gods sake