Your comments

We appreciate the enthusiasm, but this is probably something that should be discussed over discord, not on the forums

Looks awesome! Though it would be pretty cool to have the gameplay gif in the background. I really miss that...

I think this idea is pretty good, it just needs a little bit of balancing. Also, it would be weird to buy your own fists in the shop, so maybe a glove? Something like a cestus would actually make a lot of sense, because the player would need something to keep himself from completely destroying his knuckles due to constant punching.

I'm guessing that this would be a very difficult idea to implement, and probably not worth the effort, since it's a feature that wouldn't be often used and isn't very important to overall gameplay. Besides, I want that ogre's gold all to myself :)

Yes, please remove this map from 1v1. It's just really annoying to play on.

(trying so hard not to smile after reading that)

That bump... 



lol, yeah, don't be ashamed seal, the picture is really good. The yeti and sandworm are really good, and the ogre is just plain bad-ass standing off to the side there. The human faces are also well done. Lay off of Very Seal a bit, okay?

seems solid...maybe the special could be the ogre jumping/shockwave thingy? I feel like a femur isn't built for throwing, much less curving back to you...

This would make tourneys way easier +1 all the way