Rezoner wont come back
We all know by now that rezoner wont come back, so i think that he should give people like executor access to work on it so that fans of the game should still get more out of it
Customer support service by UserEcho
His last activity was 12 hours ago, so he's still checking in on the forums every so often. Give him some slack, he doesn't have to spend all his time on wilds.io. When the new game is done, I'm sure he's going to become more active towards wilds than he is now.
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youre an idiot
hes working on a new game (maybe 2, the underwater one too) and hes starting a family
he has other priorities
you're an idiot because you think that it is hard for rez to hand over the game to executor
youre an idiot for thinking that rez would ever do that, rezoner makes MONEY off of this game
You're an idiot for thinking rezoner can buy enough food all the time just by this game. Almost nobody is buying gold in this game. And you (Voldoran) are idiot too because Rezoner would never do it because some trolls would destroy something in game (if not destroy everything in game) or add tons of obstacles on maps so nobody could move.
We're all idiots here...some way or another
Besides, I don't know how long it will take to finish wanderers.io, because I can't code, but maybe Rez is working on wilds.io, and just can't fix some problems.
He left us because of family and of wanderers.io, maybe he will come back but the most possible solution is he will finish wanderers.io and focus his power on this game, even if this game is gonna end up as mechar.io did. Watch his activity for next 4-5 months...
He was on yesterday... stop dramatizing.
he makes money off the game in more ways than gold
Stop dramatizing petty things.