Possible bow nerf options
Yes I know. "Another post about the bow problem??? We already know this!!!". But this isn't a post about the fact it needs to be nerfed, that's obvious already, instead this post is about possible nerf options to make the choice easier for Rezoner if he chooses to actually nerf the bow. As I see it here are some options:
1. Make the bow fire automatically once fully charged. This will reduce the mind game options that a bow user has. Basically make it the same nerf that all melee weapons got.
2. Reduce the amount of damage bow does. This is one of the more obvious options, and a easy fix for really anything considered op.
3. Slow the charge speed of bow. In other words, bows will have a slower fire/reload speed.
4. Make the arrows fly slower.
I put the possible nerf options in ranking of what I thought would be more effective and what I personally would like to see implemented. Although 3 and 4 are about equal in my opinion, I chose a random one to go ahead of the other.
Also please don't dislike this simply because you don't want the bow to be nerfed. This isn't a post complaining about the fact that bow is op, this is simply a post about options for a bow nerf.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Feel free to leave any criticism that you see fit.
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The only words I read was "Yes I know. "Another post about the bow problem??? We already know this!!!". But this..." and "Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Feel free to leave any criticism that you see fit." XD
#1 is good, #2 makes the bow to underpowered, #3 I don't think it need.s but #4 I think is good
before kick was broken bow was still one of the best weapons
repair kick - 5
make that we can kick 2 times but the 2nd takes away stamina -6
make that we can hit projectiles with our weapons - 7
ranged arena and melee arena - 8
A separate ranged and melee arena would be great. You could fill the map with obstacles, walls, and other stuff to make a nice arena, a bit like foes.io. It could potentially be a really unique and cool gamemode for bow users. It would also solve the bow in arena problem, and be easy to add to the game.
There shouldn't be ranged weapons in arena.
Nerf: What pate said, if you do enough damage to someone, you get an arrow back, if you shoot an arrow, you lose one.
This way people with skill will be able to use bow a heck of a lot better than the spamming jerks, and still not quite as much as before.
That or removing ranged weapons completely, but that's a lot drastic
Them not being able to hold it after they are charged up would also be interesting
ooor we can just make kick 270 degrees
The problem with the bow is that you can shoot,then the other player kicks or blocks and when the animation stops you have 1-2 seconds to react to the arrow.Reducing the damage won't help so much,it is only going to take longer to kill someone,and bow users are usually very good at dodging attacks.The charge time should be around 3 seconds.
Reducing the damage is only one of the possible solutions, although I do see your point. Thanks for the contribution 👍
Actually, bows are easy to deal with; you just have to know how. There are certain tactics I employ, such as: Just shield and dodge, they'll come to you. 2. Sprint while shielding toward them. It will block and get you close. ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO KICK THEM! they will try to roll through you. 3.Just shield, advance, shield, advance, maybe kick. Hope these tactics are helpful.
Yea but if you shield you slow down anyway which they can just jump away to get MORE distance on you, a shield bash too you may say but they will adapt, also kick, that's rich, because most bow users can shield bash as well. Also if bow users were balanced and easy to deal with, WOULD WE BE HERE?
Some of us would be, yeah...But if they can adapt, SO CAN YOU!
You're rich, do you even know I'm speaking for other people? But fact of the matter is, I've adapted, but they still pose an annoyance, especially in bro wars, it's a lazy weapon, and you're an asshole for defending it. it's unfair to other people and get OVER IT, then join the LOGICAL side of the debate than gives a big thumbs up to the destruction of a popular hack and slash game turned GENERIC shooter
That does not work too well. What if you are fighting against someone like master? No matter how you dodge he still hits you. Also bow users I fight only come to me if there is an arrow flying and i am shielding or kicking. Some bow users just dont come to me at all. They just shoot and hit nomatter what.
I like #1 but not the other ones as much.
Additional suggestion: Make ranged users unable to roll (I mean, they're holding a fragile wooden bow/staff, won't rolling around break it?). In addition, not being able to roll will reduce a ranged user's ability to quickly disengage from close range combat and resume spamming from afar, while still enabling them to disengage by successfully running/kicking/blocking (which is not as easy as rolling, imho).
. Make the bow fire automatically once fully charged. This will reduce the mind game options that a bow user has. Basically make it the same nerf that all melee weapons got.
this one would make a big difference in arena this would be a must inmpliment :D