Your comments
Ranked modes with a number of needed players higher than 2 die quite fast in this game(3v3 - ded, graveyard - ded, even browars are almost dead by now) only Football stays despite its great number of players
A battle royale themed kind of game would be awesome, but i fear it'll follow the steps of it's ancestors very quickly
Sometimes bones are actually stuck in walls and stuff and are impossible to reach, other times theres a glitch where a bone is uncollectable(basically its not there but the animation stays)
stop this roleplay bullshit please
Broken kick+bow user+asshole= Rage quit
Is rezoner back or not? im confused
+1 to the idea btw
yes, the community is made of various people from different countries and we can totally do this
all we need is rezoner sending us all the in-game GUI text
i dont know whats wrong with germans in theyre all toxic as hell (as far ive communicated with only 3 of them : Galactus, Fucking and a guy whose name i dont remember) I mean... Gott verdammt was ist los mit euch Jungs?
Customer support service by UserEcho
me first post was an idea for a new weapon and firstly it got -5 votes. Then it got 8 upvotes and died somewhere near the Ninja Character topic