Your comments

too specific, the basic idea is good but hard to implement in itself as its huge. i'd love it though, only for the feel of exploration 


yeah it would be cool to have the guild master design a guild armor and everyone whos in that guild will wear it

thats kind of weird and unpolished but +1 from me

we have the rope for that but a nice rework is nice, as expected

or maybe just one frontflip with greater damage. i just want the flip for epicness

i like it all. how about special consisting of the grunt jumping and doing 3 quick frontflips with the scythe, each of them dealing 0.5 damage and being able to hit knocked down enemies?

not really, it may be hard but sliding is quite phisically impossible since you have no momentum to turn into the slide motion. id like the slide tho, maybe we can choose between slide and roll animations in the settings

+1 though nice post