Your comments

or just a timer that says how much time until the next quest

i think there is a max of 5 colors

well maybe something finalncial and not like health... but chickens or gold gap limit breaker like half of it something something could be cool

you mean the option to know what country is the person in the leader board?

wait, isnt that 2 ideas convined? soo now its the stage getting smaller and shadows into the mix?

fking good idea seal, today i am gonna post it with this phraces, also yeah it was "high"

yeah, i have some files already, with hight pitch and down pitch voice to make it cooler xD

i am all out for more emotes, not only those... more like, for diferent weapons, and maybe even and evil one.. to go with the wings and stuff like that..

sand = arena guys, dont be bad with google trans