Your requests by status


Polar yeti? white beard? snow? inpossible!

Brai 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 24

helmets, just some ideas

Brai 6 years ago updated by Shiru,Kurai ite 6 years ago 13

Flying kick/ kick while jumping the continue

Brai 6 years ago updated by A R C A N I N E 6 years ago 11

Browars/arena map idea

Brai 6 years ago updated by OnderaZ 6 years ago 16

Spear fix

Brai 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 16

Lets talk about "Last man standing game mode" idea

Brai 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 20

Ideas For other types of sprite colors

Brai 7 years ago updated by Seal (Im still alivee) 7 years ago 38

Clash bug

Brai 7 years ago updated by Ukryty(Still alive 04 03 2021) 7 years ago 11

Quest bug kys complete the quest

Brai 7 years ago updated by The Shopkeeper 7 years ago 1

The ogre femur as a weapon

Brai 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 13