Your comments

He won solitaire in Windows XP and now he has this animation of jumping cards.. What's your score?

Do you was playing old wilds, before adding first ruins map?

threre? requtet? ment? erros?!! (faints)

PS. It's my 666th comment! I'm satan moohahahah

Oh-kaaay... That's quite weird, more weird than Seal... O_o

Yes, I am EU server player, My in-game nick is Ukryty, but now I stopped playing (like Phroenix XD), I never knew I'm considered one of the best, I had discord because I forgot address to your group (XDDD), I'm VERY active userecho user, and I never knew about this fan base. How many members?

Your red arrows aimed to yeti failed in fight against ogre's jump effect. Sorry!

Yeti got its' own healing too...


They are going to be ready for retro browsers festival.