
Remove ogres heal

Maldar 8 years ago updated by TheLegion27 8 years ago 14

It is impossible to kill him with his heal

Yeti got its' own healing too...


sorry, the fights are epic, the key is easy to learn, do i right and you will enjoy the fight.

I agree, they already had lots of health, and then yeti's healing wouldn't be special anymore

The thing is guys, usually a bunch of people are trying to kill it, and you can't get it to the guillotines (or you can kill it the normal way, but that's slow)


Only cowards use guillotine or worm for kill ogre. Real barbarians can beat ogre solo :>


Ogre is really easy to kill though...

i can kill it in a 1v1 [XD] (with a tactic but i wont share it) DONT remove heal

This tactic works for everyone beast with more hp xD

the tactic is using the sendworm

i kill lots of ogres with it

oh i ruin your secret sorryXD

Now this got me curious... is it the door crushing or something?

Yeah use the sandworm or guillotines

just circle around it while spamming attack. Run outta the way with it's charge/grab attack. Jump over it's shock wave. Easy 1v1 wins with that grey bastard