Your comments

yes. i want the old version back. without getting rid of the current one.

one of my friends just started playing. that's kind of unfair that i don't get a percentage of his money. after all it was me who got him to play.

can you add like an option to send them a request to become your recruit. because i did recruit him.

perhaps the thing should say like:

is it true that __________ showed you the game?

if so please click the yes button.

(NO)      (YES)

something like that.

hell is alright but it is very glitchy on my computer and besides Valhalla sounds cool.

sorry if this wasn't clear enough. basically all the bots can do the claw special attack.

wow thats so smooth. my computer would be glitching out.

there should also be a mountains map with snow and giants.

i think it would be a great idea because smaller tribes deserve a chance to. well how would i put it? be seen. because currently only huge tribes can get on the map.

why do i suspect there were more staffs in barbaric times than axes. sure not magic ones but still. its fantasy barbaric so i cant see why not. besides it does suit the game.