Your comments

Bow is good/ OP enough. We don't need new arrows.

You are 100% right. Sucky asshole bow-users in arena SUCK. Theres no way to fight them if they are decent. I think that ranged weapons shouldn't be allowed in arena or Browars. They just don't fit.


It takes no skill to run away and shoot, it's true. People that do this are just super annoying. Don't chase them. That's how they get bones. Frustrated people chasing them and making mistakes.

Yeah, people that only shoot and run suck. It also sucks that the kick is messed up.

Just don't look at anything Bob and VeGene posts. He sucks. He's a loser. He's an immature jerk who doesn't know where to put all the shit he has to say.

But don't argue with him.

You can't argue with an idiot.

Yeah, there shouldn't be ranged weapons in arena

Your argument is entirely based on people standing still, not blocking, or attacking back. And your right. Wand is better at killing afk players. But not in real combat.

I play bow, and just saying, I'll pretty much destroy a wand user (unless it's lysiane or another pro ;). The wands projectiles are super slow, do terrible damage, and eat stamina so you can't run around. The bows fast projectiles and damage make it Soo much better than the wand. It takes longer, but it does more damage and is easier to hit people. Buy both weapons. Try them.

The userecho has gone to shit, but only because dumbass people aren't posting good ideas, and there is no moderation. We need to get back to that stage where we post good ideas, and support the ones that are good. Bumping crap posts to the top by saying how shit they are doesn't help.