Your comments

You only did like two posts. It's no problem. Some people have known about the rule and done so many more. Your fine

Archers are only good if they don't run and know how to fight. Don't chase them, they wont get bones.

The movie is BS. The books are Soo much better. Unless they've came out with another movie I don't know about.

Read the books

I think it's cool, but you should grow more slowly. Your tiny at 0 bones, but when you hit 5 you're suddenly gigantic.

But it isn't necessary

That would be kind of interesting. This would allow different attacks to happen without changing the weapons dramatically.

But this would be hard for rez to implement, and hard work to make, and I think this would add a level of complexity to an already good game.

This would be an interesting system.

We should at least try it.