Under review

Rezoner, can you tell me how many players are on during the day?

THE_LORD_OF_FERRETS 8 years ago updated by Seal (Im still alivee) 8 years ago 18

Im cooking up an idea in my head, but I need some information.

So rezoner, could you give my a quick number of around how many people there are usually in a server during the day in its timezone? An average if it's not too much trouble, or just a rough estimate.

Can you find out how many people are on during the busiest time?

If you can answer, it would be really appreciated.

Thanks, The Ferret of Lords

P.S. Hey guys, I've noticed that the forum is kind of going downhill recently

Image 2361

I think that is pretty good evidence. El lobito's post is from a while ago. So is ukrytys delete dash, and issa04s double knives. Everything here, in fact, except for Savage Sammich's I think. So guys, PLEASE stop bumping. If we can get 5 good posts in a row, I think it would be great.


Under review

About 10.000 players a day.
About 150 players at any given moment

Whoever is bumping old, useless topics better stop. Also, I am not guilty for bumping old posts.

Well,whenether is a baby d#ck or just an annoying person who's bumping,gosh,it's entirely unnecesary for those to keep on that.


I just read that in a real faggot voice, especially the "gosh" part XD

who's el lobito? xD

Woah woah woah, who the fucking is El Lobito?!

El lobito is great ;)

Under review

About 10.000 players a day.
About 150 players at any given moment

That's A LOT of people.Wow,this game gains more publicity than majority of other IO games.


I thought it's 100-120 players a day, not 10.000 :D

Thats legit


el lobito is some pro mexican that uses bow

He's playing with bow?Didn't know that.


I think he is from Brazil and uses all weapons in my opinion :D

Wow,tough decision for him.

You should have your personal preference and stick to weapon that suits your style and preformance.