Your comments

It's pretty balanced. The more clones, the easier to kill them

lol. We need to control rezoner.

Nice how you can see how much gold you have gotten from the arena and football. That's helpful. And - lol - the placement of the "log in" buttons looks exactly like the one on my idea.

A weapon that 2-3 shots players will kill the fun...

Sorry, I have been way over critical, but it just doesn't make sense that a farming tool does twice the damage of a sword and costs seven times as much as a hammer.

Yeah, this idea might be too extreme of a solution to a relatively low level problem

This is a pretty good idea. You temporarily get a backpack from the treasure chest or boxes. Just redo the sprite. it's overlapping the player's head

There definitely should be some perks. Right now joining a tribe just gives you a couple of cool floating letters near your name

That would be an awesome game mode. Goblins wouldn't be able to break the fort and would just pile up at the gate.

Yeah. Definitely the wand and bow

It's way better than because it actually has good looking sprites and much more skill based combat. It also has better chat and monsters.