Your comments

You could hide which clone was you if you got no bones, but now when clones don't have bones counter above their heads... no more kidding players :/

I'm gonna check it XDD

in storm crow :)

This sometimes happens to players, I'm one of them who know that feeling.

I just noticed a minute ago that you needed 4 months to get 800 comments. I needed 8 months to get 1600 comments - Join me, we will rule together this forum!

Get some bodyguard or some kind of it.

jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus listen to your people Seal, sushi said to not reply to this comment, and you did it >.<

Mistodel f*cked it at all. Now famous in fashion is this one:


And claws bigger than spear when have 100 bones...