Your comments

Where's that green color?! I see only yellow, yellow and yellow (and red). Wait, where's blue?

So you are working on this? They will be creatable or they are like normal walls?

So that's why I'm still getting those mirage potions...

Wow. Next topic about this bug. Jeez..

You crazy? It's a good message! More clans can exist! I don't understand why you type it as bug?

I heard somewhere Rez change place of words "VICTORY" and "DEFEAT", so this isn't bug.

You can do topic without any description - Rez please users to stop it.

If Rez will try to fix it, you can get trolled like all wilds players, when you hit a player and 0 damage. Rez is only one guy who make wilds, and everything in it exist, so fixing this bug could be long and hard for him.

Thanks. *Gets one of them* Khrghhh *sound of cutting the head (my own)* [2 minutes later...] Thanks again for knife *gives knife back to Maldar*