Under review

@rezoner/@Players Game Question

Poke Hano 8 years ago updated by Ukryty(Still alive 04 03 2021) 8 years ago 13

Is it possible in any way to design a discord bot which allows you to see your wilds io stats? Ie like a summary statistics weapons most used etc. Like basically a discord bot that would allow you to see that kind of stuff is this possible? Because I play a game called Vainglory and there are 3rd party websites giving players there statistics etc. Image 1070

Is it possible to design a bot in discord that would allow you to see your wilds stats? Or just something in game this is also a question for the community

Under review

If there is someone who understands discord bots well - I can make any reasonable JSON API you want.

I've made bots. If you set it up so that it just serves a JSON file with bone count and arena score and stuff, just chuck up some documentation and I'll make an example bot. It's just easy python.

Yes! Glad I started Something :D Edit: You think you can do this?


Well done, now the thing is I don't know what community wants - I can give you the scores for starters. How do we query people tho, they have like really stupid hard to type names.

I am using python a lot to render this game in blender by the way

just make it accept one parameter, username. They just have to type it right. Or have a list of all usernames in a json files and I can make autocomplete.

just make it accept one parameter, username. They just have to type it right. Or have a list of all usernames in a json files and I can make autocomplete. Have it take he username as an HTTP parameter.

Btw heres an update I dont know whether you know this @rezoner but Ghost is done the bot hes wiating for the api I believe

Im waiting for rezs re

Ghost atm is waiting for the api i feel it is important to bump this. As ghost is done with the bot and he is atm waiting for the api

That bump tho