Your comments
You know there happen some mistakes, people say "wddddd" or "asssssdddddd" etc. because they was trying to move but forgot to turn off chat.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, or something like this. I was playing this, and your idea is shi...umm...Rez didn't planned adding any weapons, so no.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG - I made this many G's in 3 secs. "Ivan_Musić has been muted for 60 seconds for spamming." Watch out for chat :/
Firebomb *-*
Spoon is more unique.
Valhalla ;D
i think palan luv you, shopkeeper, but he want to hide it and does all wrong to you.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Best ways to make your average points go down to less than 0 is:
1. Adding ideas about banning someone
2. Pleasing for lowering prices for anything
3. Pleasing for making something for free
4. Adding idea with as worse as you can gamemode.
Made by: palan, macman, unknown user(still searching for him) and Lacika Madarasz.