Your comments

I was talking with issa that he will stop posting in September, but after I said he probably made his own bank, that he can make as many topics as he want, and then, when he end posting, he must wait so long to make next idea. After I said he has to make total 53 topics to wait a year he started to make topics again. Sorry :'(

You play 24 hours without any break in wilds? No-life.

Bow is wooden weapon, so axe and sword would destroy it (disarm) when clashing. Also wand is wooden too. This would make a sense.

It was 11 hours ago - it was midnight, so don't get annoyed when I read something wrong again xD

1. This game mode would be team deathmatch sudden death, but with shorter name of this

2.(me, when reading this) -Players can choose... which weapons... to use... ZzZzZz *asleep on keyboard*

I choose only 5 and 6.

Extra Polishing? What's wrong with Poland for you?

Pisałem że on miał a nie ma. Chociaż cholera wie, może masz rację, że on ma. :P

A, i "knew" i "didn't" jest w czasie przeszłym a ty wymieszałaś przeszły z teraźniejszym wpisując "didn't know". Reszta się zgadza.

You broke Rez's heart.

You just try to find everything what makes the game unplayable, huh?