New Game Mode (Everything will be explained if you read) -*
*This is idea was saved weeks ago in a note document , And I don't care what happens to this anymore, but it'll be a waste not having to upload/share this idea , anyways , have fun reading*
For this presentation . Please read all of the contents below , Stay with me no matter what happens ! xD
Although this will take some time to read ~
(Rezoner , YOU CAN NAME THIS GAME MODE ANYTHING ! Assuming you agree with this idea)
This is a Co-op , Life-Death Game Mode , If a player dies , He will either have to quit / spectate . If Everyone dies , then it's game over !
-A Game Mode of Surviving Boss Battles where in players fight Until they die (No Respawn) , Players who get their hp to 0 will be knocked down and have a chance to be revived
by a fellow player (You'll get the sense of a co-op gameplay) ,
Each Level of the game mode consists of "Bosses" , It can vary from monsters ,to trolls , or ancient gods that have gone to the dark side .
-Everytime a player gets knocked down , They will have to crawl ( much lesser speed than walking) out their way from danger .Enemies can still damage a knocked down player .
They will have full health when knocked down and then gradually taking damage from bleeding. If a player can't revive a knocked down teammate , then the knocked player dies .
-Players revived by their teammates (Other Players) , Will have their Health restored FULL , Reviving a player will take 4 sec. until then , players must help each other .
-There will only be a maximum number of 4-6 Levels , depending on how much Rezoner can do this .
-Each level will have different difficulties (which means , Stronger bosses in every higher level)
-Players can choose which weapons to use (ANY) before a match starts ,( as long as they don't have thrice the same weapons , a maximum of 2 same of the same
weapons will be allowed - optional), You can call this a class/role .
-Every Game mode will have a maximum of 4 Players ,each will vary in Weapons , If players don't have any weapons , Just an AXE , they can just rent a weapon from the armory
For a single match only for like 400 for the hammer , 600 for the Sword,Bow,Ice Staff and Spear , and 855 for the Claws .
-Each Weapon will have a class named for players who weild the weapons in a match : (Optional)
*Spear - Spearman
*Bow - Archer
*Hammer - Blacksmith
*Sword - Swordsman
*Claw - Clawsman
*Ice Staff - Wizard
*Axe - Woodcutter
-The Map for the Game Mode will always be the same , To minimize work for developing... It can be as big as an Arena map , Just increase the Width a bit to widen the
Battlefield .
-The Bosses will be planned by Rezoner and/or the Userecho members .
-Depending how much work can be done without making Rezoner insane , Levels in the Game mode will be lesser in quantity , But I hope that Rezoner would give this
Game Mode at least "3 Stages"
! Before Every Stage begins , Players can take items on "item pedestals" (I don't know if thats what you call them) that spawn items every beginning of a match and after
a boss dies , to get ready when each Stage starts .
*Health Potions will only be given after each Boss' Death (6 Potions) .*
-Items that will be present in the Game Mode :
*Land Mines
*Health Potions
*Stamina Potions
*Rope (No damage , can only be used with other players)
*(A Gold Bag for Boss Drops) - If you don't like the idea of having to steal gold from others , at each Stage , Gold collected will be distributed equally to other players .
-Bosses -: (Some will be optional , depending on Rezoner and/or Userecho members' thoughts and opinions)
*Will have minions when they spawn (except Level 1 Boss) (minions can be same as their looks but smaller and deals less damage , also much less health .)
The number of minions can be 2 & 3 , Level 2 - 2 minions & Level 3-3 minions .
*Will have attack patterns (To show weakness , - optional . You can just make a single boss attack .and stop to rest for a while)
*One boss may be ranged ,not moving from it's spawn area cause moving would be useless ( again , minions , this will make sense )
*Will drop 6 health potions , 5 Gold Bags (Each gold bag gives 15 gold) , as I said , if stealing isn't your type , gold can be contributed after a stage or a match
(match = the entire game mode) .
*Weak spots ( optional )
*Obviously , A Boss has to be tough so , here's a Health level for each Boss on 3 levels :
Level 1 Boss will have 3 times more health than an average player
Level 2 Boss will have 4 times more health than an average player but also having 1 Layer of Armour
Level 3 Boss will have 5 times more health than an average player but also having 2 Layers of Armour
*How much Damage the Bosses will deal would depend on Rezoner and Userecho members'
*Names ! - You can't name each boss " Level 1 Boss & Level 2 Boss " - NO ! , so , come up with a name depending on the boss (DEPENDS ON REZONER AND/OR USERECHO)
*Movement speed must differ , if you prefer , slower than an average player
-NOTES : (Important - But some are still optional if proven too difficult to Develop and implement)
*Only Players with Tribes can Join , To make solo players find a tribe . Increasing Tribe Member Population
*Players with the same matchmaking name will have more chance to be in a same match when finding one .
*This Game Mode will Only be available on Weekends , to avoid Gold abuse in this game mode .
*This Game Mode will Only be playable for each 2 hours that passes by , Lasting PLAY Availability for 30 minutes ,
then players will have to wait another 2 hours to play again , if this is too short , let's make it 4 hours .
*Players can vote to "kick" another player they dislike in a match , To avoid Breaking Teamwork within the Game Mode
*Players CANNOT be damaged by other players or items by other players ! You know why .
*A timer in every Game mode in Wilds to notify players when this Game mode will be available .
To also avoid more work on developing this , The Design for the Bosses should be less detailed but still giving that Intimidating , Boss-ass Look .
-That's all for now , And as I've said in almost all of the contents in this simple presentation , It's up to Rezoner himself and/or other Userecho members to decide !
-I hope this would happen , I've been itching for something like this in my averagely long-experience here in wilds.io !
You can adjust things that would seem too tiring or impossible for a browser game . I just hope you can get the idea of this ! Thanks mates !
See you in wilds / on Discord ~
I know that this would take precious time and effort , but I'll be more than happy if this would happen . :)
-Things I think would be hard to develop/create/implement in the game :
-The Bosses will take an enormous time and effort to make & animate , you would need too many images to animate .
-The Entire battle-experience between PVE , would likely be the first time playing co-op against Environmental enemies without damaging someone else
-Animating the Minions would likely be just as hard as the Bosses , having the minions look the same way like the boss would be boring and some of you would think the same.
-Announcing the entire Game Mode , you would have to explain the important things . This is honestly too tiring .
-Work , too much work , work , work , work , work ... I hope builders would be motivated :3
(I only posted this because I know that this would be hard on you guys too make and I totally understand if you disagree in making this)
If you guys have any opinions , please comment , if you like this idea , give this a thumbs up ! and if you don't , you simply have to let your thoughts out .
~THANK YOU~ Hahahah and have a nice day !
Customer support service by UserEcho
Too much fatigue to reading it allxD
1. This game mode would be team deathmatch sudden death, but with shorter name of this
2.(me, when reading this) -Players can choose... which weapons... to use... ZzZzZz *asleep on keyboard*
Lol Ukryty me too
I had an idea similar, but you wrote out a full on essay, so take my upvote
Sounds like a Wilds.io version of COD zombies...
Damn man, you still have fingers?
Seems like a good idea from what I read. A little bit complicated though.
I'm sorry for this being too long XD , this idea is trash , I realized this just seconds ago
= =
he told us 3 hours ago that he realized it seconds ago...
The first comment was 2 weeks ago then...how????
Time is just an illusion. :D
Bloody Brilliant guys ..