Your comments

I see it's 2v2v2 (2 brown, 2 grey and 2 sandworms) arena!

I don't think Rez is interested for fart sound voices.

(eats drugs)om nom nom Excuse me? Say again, please xD

Better solution of special attack: Shoots the same bolt as ice wand shoots to freeze, but is black, and cannot be blocked or kicked back, piercing through all players to border of the map(but goes only in one direction), every player got hit lose 1 HP and player who made the healsteal gets 2 hp back for every player hit by this special attack.

Click quest card to delete quest?

Goes down by 2% every day. Don't try to crash my memory! Its' size is 1500 TB!!

4. virtuoso

Everyone forgot who is virtuoso! XD

Very good brutal football player. Once was a weird situation that virtuoso was on first place with golden cup rank, and 2nd place was silver ball. 2749 points. Oh, and he is also from.... I forgot where he is living...

Why you are using shield reverse to your enemy?!