Your comments

Not MistodeL found. You are him!

Not a bug xD

+2 Answer

17'5 4lm057 160 r3pl135! 4ny0n3 w4nn4 6ump 7h15 p057?

Axe, Hammer and Spear has same icon. Sword and Claws has same icon, but different, Bow and Wand has different icon and they doesn't have the same.

tie? tie is a cloth. What's wrong with ties for you? Of course, if you aren't talking about TIE Fighters from Star Wars :D

yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay (18357 yay's later...) yay yay yay yay

I EAT RULES FOR BREAKFAST user has been banned for breaking One Idea per Week rule. \(^_^)/

The Blue Whale Game :P

If Rezoner notice this comment what I'm replying by now, you can get banned.