Your comments

Rezoner is your son/brother/dad/grandfather/uncle/cousin? Why we know it right now?

Naprawdę? Nie wiedziałem!

Translated from English to Polish :D

your mouth growth too much and now you can't write "except" word correct.

Let Very Seal make a topic about this drawing, and you have to be angry for making it "without your agree"

Yeah, this is this topic what I was talking :D

Maybe yetis should have energy turret on their back what can rotate so players can't kill yeti? It's a joke.

game's engine is playground.js with msgpack

This is "bump" in russian language?

Probably someone from Turkey disliked this topic, because there are most of them in EU server and they want to keep spamming chat with making sure nobody except turkish people will understand them. Team olan!

If you will continue making too many ideas in week, you will get banned on forum for it. READ. ONE. IDEA. PER. WEEK. RULE.