Your comments
I forgot that this is so addictive...
"If someone gives me shit, I get mad. That's the way I work"
My first post was rather polite, your ended up with insults.
As I have good (or good enough) memory, this is not the firs time you are rude to other forums users. Do not pretend being so crystal clear.
My last post in this discussion, because I don't want to spam forums.
Current tileset has 233 kB and is downloaded strictly to players computer before entering the game.
With these tiles, the file should not exceed 500 kB, so it will be still small enough.
In such huge maps as ruins, addition of maybe 50 tiles like these should not change anything significantly.
For me it won't make any difference, because there is another way to deal with groups (which I won't post here as my little secret).
However, do you realize that if such change as you're proposing will get into game, a lot of people will come here (just like you did) and complain: "game is broken", "I can't play", "sword/hammer is useless", "change it back" etc.?
I wrote my previous post like that for purpose.
Weren't you the one who was "bitching" about OP mages and combat rebalance?
Well, this update was possibly mentioned to do what you're asking for.
Now mages and archers have to take part in close-combat to score, so why you are not happy with that?
I did, check whole list.
And also, sorry for addressing you directly, but this is not the first time you're making rude comments to others, who are not following your way of thinking. Maybe consider to change this somehow.
I exactly know what these words mean and what he wanted to say.
And now you're calling me a hypocrite, great. Ok, let's go in that way.
There was a whole topic about getting teamed up and how to deal with that. The mayor problems addressed there were roll-spam and hit-spam, and we got no any good solution for that.
Hammer and sword abilities grant one a kind of a block, which can be used and actually IS USED by everyone mostly to escape from such situations.
If you're so smart, tell us how to solve this. Shine your light on us.
At first, I'm not a kid, so don't call me that. At second, I am not making troubles, but discussing. And a good discussion does not include insults. Hope that's clear.
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