Your comments

Wanna some glasses? all of glasses I have in my shop (what doesn't exist) belongs to my grandma :>

You let me to make tribe what is under your control but I can do with it what I want?

One, two, Seal, three, four...

just a symbol? without color around it?

(I hope you aren't)

I'm scared this translate will look like this:


-I really like playing!

*press translate button*

-faufhs saofjawhn wiafjhn! - translation from English to English

RIP Tytanowy Janusz 2016-2017

Yeah, and this will take full of your gamescreen :D

*brings tea from Seal* Yeah, thanks.

This feeling when you fight with enemy, you shoot fire arrow but he blocks it... and you get gold for killing someone. Trust me, it's happening often for me.