Your comments

How it could look?

Why Under review status, if you have to decline? :D

Maybe bears around mountains (upper level from perspective) to block those players, who know where is hole in mountain.

Ah ok. But now i can't delete this post :D

Yes, but it looks like you have infinity of arrows, this make me angry, they don't have any arrows on their back and shooting arrows what appear from nowhere. Archer is now some like mage, he just spawns fire arrows and can spawn arrows from nowhere, and it looks unfair. But ok, i will think from where they can get arrows.

Oh, so if you name your post "Remove directional block", then it's not meant as the title, but you just want to ask us for pizza or what?

Palisades, palisades... Why not creatable?

marvinb in Gothic 1 to fly and teleport :D

Rez, you are playing doom too?

I was scared Rez created with beards clones of Conchita Wurst :D

Did it! :D

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