Your comments

i actually do know what Valhalla is. its the after life in Norse mythology. they believed that if you died well in battle you would go to Valhalla. if you didn't go to Valhalla then you went to hel. if you went to Valhalla you would become an Einherjar. they had like an enhanced body/free biceps, stuff like that.

in Valhalla you would be supplied with lots of luxury's like your own room etc. lots of cool stuff basically. the price was that when Ragnarok came around you had to battle to the death against all the giants and Loki etc. before then you had to join in big battles in which you slowly regenerated after death. they were pretty much huge blood baths. Oden used these battles as training for Ragnarok.

so the idea is that this game mode is in one of those blood baths (:

so while your a ghost you are slowly regenerating your actual body for the next battle.

nice harmbe. proof (:

i said they should ban him from the chat.

you call that a nerf don't u?

yet you cant say that calling possible long term players noobs is ok either. thats why its got the thumbs up. also he has said other ruder things than that before.

bullies don't work like that. the more you reply the more mad that makes them.

just ban him from the chat

hey i use wand. but also bow and sword.

just ban him from chat.

some times i run away from other players when i'm the king like the time i had a slit of health left and i was being chased by a guy with a skull mask and sword. yeah he killed me. damn charge attacks.