Your comments

I think I have fixed it

Not sure what was the cause but I have noticed unusal CPU consumption for Asian server. I have decided to destroy it in case of being compromised and start a fresh server for Asia region.

Switch from AZERTY to QWERTY in menu

Ahoy, no it's not a new game mode - it's just a separate game you can play anytime

O chuj ci chodzi?

Ok fixed. I have writen scripts to auto-restart the servers each 12 hours but they didn't got up after restart.

I am always happy to see new ideas (more glad to see them than read about them). Not sure how good are you in drawing - but I would simply make a screenshot of the game and draw my imaginary character on top of it.

Ahoy everyone. Hopefully it's fixed. I am kicking out previously logged in account. Probably the accounts is not getting correctly logged out on disconnect.

Do you happen to have a gamepad plugged in?