Your comments

You can't =/ I am well aware of this problem but I have no idea what causes that. I am on Chrome / Linux too but the problem spreads to all platforms. Nevertheless I think it wasn't that often earlier - am I right?

Przelacz sobie na QWERTY w głównym menu gry. Pewnie kliknąłeś AZERTY heroes are just two flat shapes that spawn different amount of other flat shapes. That's the whole different order of magnitude in terms of work.

And the graphics is just where it begins because has no mechanics besides circle vs circle collision and how that collision affects the numbers in game.

Here you go - in terms of graphics that's just 1 of 30 stances for berserker

Did you happen to use your account on some public machine? Like in school?

Could you type that in address bar, hit enter and make a screenshot for me?

Well I hope that at some point Discord will let us integrate voice chat in games

My friend is working on customizing weapons and head look.
Can't tell when and if it will be ready tho ;s

Przekliknij w menu klawiaturę z AZERTY na QWERTY - opcja na dole

Yup, players tricked me into working for free :)

Canceling account on the last day, or providing fake payment data.

Although it's not that bad - I want to work on the game anyway.

As Enkk said - Patreon guys switched the option for me and the new patrons will now be charged upfront.