
Sorry, all servers are dead

Alimo 9 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 9 years ago 5 3 duplicates

Everytime I try to play, it says "Sorry, all servers are dead". I'm on the same wifi network as before, haven't had this problem before. All ports are open, there is no firewall, and I can connect to the site, but I can't play the game.



Ok fixed. I have writen scripts to auto-restart the servers each 12 hours but they didn't got up after restart.

Duplicates 3

SAME. What's the deal? Does it have to do with the new update?


Screenshot of the error message:

Screenshot of console:


J'ais exactement le même problème ! Voici la capture de ma console :


Yep, also having this problem


Ok fixed. I have writen scripts to auto-restart the servers each 12 hours but they didn't got up after restart.