Your comments

Actually they do. Because all the whinning I have implemented a survey in game and it's a minority that don't like the updates. I will share the results soon. Anyway the old map will be added back.

Ahoy. I think it will be back tomorrow - I have broken a few things and had to turn it off because it crashes the servers. Also there will be a change regarding match-making. It takes way too long now - so I will let guest players play also - but if you are logged in you will first be matched with pro players - then noobs.

Is this still an issue? I have released a new version 2 days ago.

Yeah thanks, the game definetely need more choke and goal points. We will slowly get there :)

As I said - it's dead :)

Ahoy. What browser and operating system?

No worries. It will stop working after I push beta to live.

What browser and operating system? Can you give me a screenshot of console log (F12) when it happens?

+ is this beta or old version?

The skills are the same. The only difference is that kick doesn't make you fall down when you miss and it can break the shield.