Your comments

Ahoy there, I am now heavy focused on 1 vs 1 mode. As simple as it sounds - it's the hardest mode to add to the game for many reasons but I also see potential in it. I want to make something like Arena - where you are getting random enemies until you get killed.

I think it's great for players who want to mentor their friends as well for those who want to test their skills against someone instead of throwing insults :)

Yay, looks awesome mate. Ok so the first world - I for sure don't have time to work on a new map now (graphics is just a part of the work) but I am not dismissing it either. The problems I see:

1) We need more players - currently it's not so rare that you land in an empty room - adding another map will only fragmentate players more. Heroes of Newerth is one of the game suffering from that - they have a lot of maps/modes but they display only 3 - so this is probably a solution.

2) I am not accepting free contributions - I would rather pay you for the work. I believe you are a good person but that's an open field for abusing copyright infrigements and claiming part of authorship of the game - this require a good amount of legal work for which I don't have time and resources now.

3) I feel it could replace the Desert map because it's pretty much the same mode - but I foresight heavy resistance from "old" players.

A friendly German bot. Hopefully he will not visit us anymore.

I am going to see what it helps if I lower the price by half. Another change is that now gold cap will refresh more often.

Yup, that's how most old RPG games work (Diablo, Fallout, Baldur's) - which is fine for them because they can ship 2 GB of data on CDs.

I understand your worries - it's because the game accounts a day as 24 hours since the last gold cap reset. So it's not the day like passing the midnight - but the full 24 hours. I should add some visible counter for that later.

The problem is - I can't handle too many skins / shields.
The engine is primitive 2d thing that requires spritesheet like that multiplied by the number of animations. Which is a killer for a web-based game. Otherwise I would already had 200 weapons, shields and helmets in shop.

The gold is collected automatically. What is your name in the game?

Closing the thread,

The old version is not coming back. I have brought the old map and copied speeds from the old wilds. The kick is not breaking the shield. Complaining that it's totally different than the old version is simply scientifically inaccurate. Sure there are some minor changes - like rolling is now shorter distance - but these are changes I would apply anyway.

From my perspective (analytics/statistics) - I have rescued a dying game.