
Can't login, says already logged in. This is through patreon.

v2. 9 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 16



Ahoy everyone. Hopefully it's fixed. I am kicking out previously logged in account. Probably the accounts is not getting correctly logged out on disconnect.

same here, does anyone may help me? -->nick: jogomlet

Do you have any other tab with wilds.io open?

nope, i got connection error, after refresh bugg popped up, I have also restarted pc and browser

It looks like mine character is stacked up some where on map, if I remember correctly it was right after brutal football, before I clicked "disconnect"

Guys, I'm still waiting

Under review

Ok Jogo, we will look into that asap.

Did you happen to use your account on some public machine? Like in school?

nope, just my own pc, there is no way that someone is using this account, or anything like this

Guys, can you just kick my account from game?
(Yes, I'm trying to hold this topic on top)


I am having the same issue. i got connection error, after refresh bugg popped up, I have also restarted pc and browse

same issue with me aswell

It works now, thanks :)

also gettng this problem

again, can't log in...
console looks the same as last time

this started happening to me too after I had to restart my Mac during a game. I've tried clearing cookies and localStorage - I can log in to patreon again after that, but then wilds still says I'm already logged in and I can't play.


Ahoy everyone. Hopefully it's fixed. I am kicking out previously logged in account. Probably the accounts is not getting correctly logged out on disconnect.