Your comments

How long does it currently take you to collect 200 gold?

Consider it done

I have also started to prototype pseudo mountains a few months ago, but I have lost patience quickly :D Anyway - yours looks awesome.

Source tile size in wilds is 64x128 - while the grid is 64x44
Meaning your wall tile can be up to 128 pixels high- while floor tile can be only 44 pixels high.

Most of Wilds static graphics was created in Gimp and Aseprite

I dig it - with a little variation on the first idea.

Freeze will spawn a timer - let's say 2 sec - the timer goes down by itself - but hitting decrases the timer faster - this limits max damage and on the other hand adds some depth to mage gameplay as you can decide whether you want to deal more damage or use the time to run away.

Guilds / clans are high in my priority list right now. The things I am currently trying to resolve is how to make the guilds comparable to each other.

Let's say we have guild of 100 weak players and 10 best of.

Now what should we take into account measuring guild performance

Without comparison there is nothing competitive about guilds.

I find it quite reasonable, more interesting than current duplication of roll effect but let's see what the community thinks

I owe you a little update on this thread. So I have been working on making the editor suitable for custom maps and I will soon pass it to Janusz and then he will be able to create a map in his free time (if he wants to of course :) Sorry it takes so long but working on an editor is like building another game.

We don't have classes but we have weapons that change your attack and skills :)