Your comments

Yes the idea is still current. Basically I want to add secondary items to the shop - so you can choose what do you want to carry instead of knife - shurikens, grenades and so on

I have already replaced the map - I will be just adding more things to it now. First step was not to provide more meaningful places but open the space for less dense fights - I think adding more respawn points did the job.

I am using my own map editor.

Bought tiles there - using GIMP to rework them to my needs.

No, the game doesn't earn enough. I would need additional programmer and artist because managing and improving what we already have takes all of my time.

As I said - punching needs more depth before I can make any mode around it.

I will add faces like in wolfenstein - but only at the bottom of the screen. I cannot add bruises to "textures" because there are no textures - this game is 2D

The problem with sales is that people stop buying if they know there possibly maybe a sale in the future. Look at Steam if u want to sustain sales u have to discount your game as often as possible because it's not selling well between sales

I will think about it, it's somehow reasonable. I also want to add mini quests (like in Heartstone)