The wand is broken, but the community won't admit it.
Note-This Isn't an Idea, Question, or Bug, so I put it in Questions. If you are unsatisfied, here:
Now that this message is inquisitive enough, let's get to the problem: The wand is too strong, but the community won't admit it, because they are too enthralled in the brokenness and don't want it to get fixed.
Keep in mind all fighters have EIGHT HEALTH.
If you happen to successfully execute an axe special attack, you deal 1 damage and knock over. If you successfully execute a hammer or sword special attack, you do two damage and knock over if it's the hammer. If you successfully execute a bow attack, you do two damage and knock over. If you successfully execute a wand attack, you do one damage and render your opponent completely vulnerable to attack for THREE SECONDS. In three seconds, a melee user can attack six times, dealing TWELVE DAMAGE. In five seconds, you can unload your stamina as ice shards into your opponent, dealing SIX DAMAGE. In three seconds, you can plop down a mine and walk away, or stroll over and knock them off the cliff or into a guillotine, score a goal on an incapacitated goalie. AND THAT'S JUST THE SPECIAL ATTACK. Sure, normal attack is weak, but that's no penalty at all, because you can just use kick in every scenario where you would use attack. If your opponent rolls, or jumps, or is stunned, you can land four shards, which is TWO FREE DAMAGE, at ANY RANGE. you don't have to charge up like the archer does, you don't have to aim like the archer does, and you don't have to put yourself in the middle of a fight like a melee user does.
People are going to disagree with me in the comments, and tell me that I just need to learn to counter, and that the staff is balanced, and they are going to downvote the post without reading it in it's entirety or even clicking on it, all because they enjoy wielding the wand in it's overpowered state.
Whatever. I'm not trying to acquire popularity, i'm trying to bring to light the issues that plague the current game.
KEEP IN MIND that every time the wand comes up in ingame chat, people seem to agree and admit that it's too strong and that you don't need to put in nearly as much effort or risk in order to get kills. However, whenever it is brought up here, on the forums, in Rezoner's presence, they tell me that it isn't a problem, so that Rezoner won't change it and they can keep on getting easy kills.
So here's the question: Will you, Rezoner, hear me above the majority who prefer a Wilds where the balance of combat is shattered, or will you decide that i'm incredible and ignore me, thus letting everyone get on with their abuse of this broken weapon? I've made it explicit that the wand is too powerful, i've used statistics that surpass all other weapons. So the question isn't whether it is too powerful or not, it's whether you care to do anything about it.
So, what's the answer?
Customer support service by UserEcho
The wand is too OP
If I find a mage 1v1, literally I wreck him.... KA-BOM.
On the other hand, when you are 1 vs "2" or "3" or "59083498576" and you have to avoid all oponents PLUS a fire burst ... that is a pain in the ass.
30 minutes ago I was fighting versus 2 mages and I crushed them from time to time.
For me, the special attack / freezing bolt is the only OP thing with the wand. When I'm frozen, I am extremely vulnerable and can easily be killed before I am normal again.
Probably i know how solve that problem.
First idea is to determine the damage that can be obtained when you are frozen. For example: When a player is frozen, the magician and the other players can deal max 2/8 HP or 4/16 HP depending on the scale on which we look. Upon receipt of such injury or the expiry time of freezing player can move again. (This is best choice in my opinnion)
The second idea is when a player is frozen if it receives any damage freeze deactivates. This prevents the preparation of too much damage but will not be too strong. (probably too strong nerf)
I dig it - with a little variation on the first idea.
Freeze will spawn a timer - let's say 2 sec - the timer goes down by itself - but hitting decrases the timer faster - this limits max damage and on the other hand adds some depth to mage gameplay as you can decide whether you want to deal more damage or use the time to run away.
This might be a viable solution.
Now what if someone was frozen and when they were killed, they would be shattered?
I think a frozen player should fall if they are hit (limiting damage).
I wouldnt change the staff. (I normally use sword).
I don't see many kills using that combo.... do you really think the staff is really OP? Come on, 1v1 is not so difficult. You 3 are veterans, I can't beleive you cannot defeat them.
I reccommend you all read this opened topic: http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2041-is-a-weapon-rebalance-in-order/
what if the wand did less damage while you were frozen
That might actually work
I want old wand, the power beam not projectiles
In 1v1 it is not really an issue. But it is clearly OP in large-scale fights.
An idea to solve it: make shards ricochet not only from kick, but from shield as well.