Your comments

Something smell here.

Of course you can, but you need to have 10 other very good players and you need to have yellow potion(SOMEONE TELL ME HOW IS IT NAMED?! I KEEP FORGETTING NAME OF THAT!!!!! *rage*), stamina potion, bomb and rope. Rezak must be unarmed and have 0.5 hp - the best recipe to become real king ever xD

Jeez it's not my fault tho I was fighting with other player and Rezak just went straight into my kick!!! :(

This profile description. If you will ever kill Rezak in fair fight 1v1 without any bonus items, you'll become new king. I was king only for less than minute since I hit once (accidentally!) Rezak so he fell right into sand worm. A minute later I was dead.

He does have an account. Unfortunately.

And when you use it you lose your weapon - perfect!...nope.

Bonus bug:

Waiting for players 8/10?! OK, let's find 2 mirage potions! *found them and uses* (Game starts in 5 seconds) There you go.