Your comments

Big red thing in bottom right corner looks like a ogre face with strange hair xD

Why no screenshot from console? :x 

Are you tried clear history and cashe? Sometimes this help.

Now is more chances this will be repaired :p

Well in fort mode you have more time, especially when you running away. Also you can always cure poison if you really need because most players have always healing potion in inventory. Blowpipe will be also rare like grenades so this can't be too weak item.

Sure, something is wrong with it.

One thing what you must do for make possibility of occur this bug is suicide when you win round. There is small chance you will be invisible in next rounds.

Just wait when you got possibility of change weapon in warehouse inside the fort ;]

Nah, nothing like this.

Yetis don't respawn naturally. You can fight with them only when someone summon them.

Idk why but i imagined Chuck Norris who say it, and wearing two guns, big American flag behind him and eagle on his shoulder xD